July 11, 2023

#13 - Lois Weinblatt - Change Your Life With The Power Of Visioning

#13 - Lois Weinblatt - Change Your Life With The Power Of Visioning

Today our guest is Lois Weinblatt.

Lois is a Visionary expert and her mission is providing people with a step-by-step process to clarify, refine and align their Vision. You will quickly hear and feel her passion for what she does and it is infectious.  It all started thanks to an internship at a famous delicatessen where she grew up that transformed her life forever and you will learn all about it. When I think about visioning, I think about living life intentionally and today Lois gives us a masterclass about the power of visioning.

If you are wanting to be more grounded and confident in your decisions for the next chapter of your life, you won’t want to miss this episode.

Enjoy the show!

Lois' Bio:
Lois Weinblatt is an international Executive Coach, Organizational Consultant and founder of True North Visionaries.  She helps business owners stop fighting fires and declutter their minds so they can discover what they really want for the next stage of their life and career. For over 9 years she has guided top business owners and organizations in the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and Asia  through her proven process to clarify their next destination, create the roadmap and make their Vision a reality with a powerful set of tools to navigate along the way.

Connect with Lois:
email: lois@truenorthvisionaries.com
Connect with her on LinkedIn

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